Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Murat Zhurinov, President of the National Academy of Sciences. During the meeting at the Almaty’s residence, Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Murat Zhurinov discussed issues of development of Kazakhstan’s science, introduction of domestic developments into production, as well as the economic feasibility of scientific research.🔗…/kassym-jomart-tokayev-receives…

Kazakh scientists have developed an affordable disinfectant

Murat Zhurinov,

State prize winner, President of the national Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, academician

Organized the production of catalytic converters

As part of the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On commercialization of results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities”, “D.V.Sokolskiy IFCE” JSC together with “Science Foundation” JSC organized a production line of catalysts for neutralization of toxic components of exhaust gases of vehicles and industrial facilities. Further